Working Group Meeting on Market Transformation
Date: December 6, 2018 (Part I)
Time: 1:30 pm-5:30 pm
Date: December 7, 2018 (Part II)
Time: 9:00 am -12:30 PM
Location: NRDC, 111 Sutter St # 20, San Francisco, CA 94104
CAEECC facilitated a Market Transformation Working Group to develop a proposal(s) on market transformation for the CPUC. The first meeting took place in the afternoon of December 6th (Part I) and morning of December 7th (Part II) at NRDC.
Documents Posted After the Meeting:
Documents Posted Before Meeting:
ACEEE_CPUC MT Proposal opening cmts
BayREN & MCE_CPUC MT Proposal opening cmts
CEDMC_CPUC MT Proposal opening cmts
CLEAResult_CPUC MT Proposal opening cmts
CSE_CPUC MT Proposal opening cmts
Energy Solutions & VEIC_CPUC MT Proposal opening cmts
NEEA_CPUC MT Proposal opening cmts
NRDC_CPUC MT Proposal opening cmts
PG&E_CPUC MT Proposal opening cmts
Public Advocates Office_CPUC MT Proposal opening cmts
SBUA_CPUC MT Proposal opening cmts
SCE_CPUC MT Proposal opening cmts
SCG_CPUC MT Proposal opening cmts
SDGE_CPUC MT Proposal opening cmts
SoCalREN_CPUC MT Proposal opening cmts
To join the meeting on a computer or mobile phone: https://bluejeans.com/308831154?src=calendarLink
Phone Dial-in
+1.408.740.7256 (US (San Jose))
+1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
Meeting ID: 308 831 154