SCE Public Stakeholder Workshop for Global Energy Services (GES) Residential Equity Program Draft IP
Topic: Energy Efficiency
Summary: Southern California Edison (SCE) will host a public workshop on Tuesday, May 23, 2023 from 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Pacific Standard Time (PST) to present the draft version of the Implementation Plan for the Residential Equity Program.
Draft Implementation Plan and Slide Deck (5-16-2023) (Download PDF of Draft IP) (Download Slide Deck)
The final implementation plan will be posted to CEDARS by Tuesday, May 30, 2023.
Workshop Information: To join, please add this event to your calendar, by using the linked calendar meeting notice below.
Additional Details: Stakeholders may submit questions or comments during the workshop and/or by emailing Mary Brown at Mary.Brown@sce.com. SCE will be accepting comments and questions through Tuesday, May 23, 2023.
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