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Energy Savings Assistance Program (A.19-11-003 et al.)
Joint IOU ESA Solicitation Schedules (2.1.2025) (Download Excel File)
Joint IOU Multifamily Whole Building Solicitation Schedule (10.19.2021) (Download Excel file)
ESA Implementer Table (2.1.2025) (Download Excel file)
Implementation Plan Information – INCOME QUALIFIED (Page re-direct)
IOU Solicitation Information
SoCalGas ESA Solicitations Website
SoCalGas Energy Savings Assistance Program - RFP (5/2/22)
PG&E ESA Program - Evaluation for Energy Saving Assistance Pilot Plus/Deep Programs (RFP# 217119). First deadline (to register interest) (3/24/24 ) (Opens in a new page)
Summary of key dates:-
Register interest no later than March 24, 2024, 3:00 PM PT.
RFP tentative release date: March 25, 2024, 3:00 PM PT.
Formal RFP responses are due May 6, 2024, at 3:00 PM PT.
Interested Bidders must self-register on Wood Mackenzie/PowerAdvocate and use the tool as the communication protocol:
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