Frequently Asked Questions
What is the California Energy Efficiency Coordinating Committee?
The California Energy Efficiency Coordinating Committee, or "CAEECC," is a collaborative informal stakeholder process authorized by California Public Utilities Commission ("CPUC") Decision 15-10-028 and led collaboratively by stakeholders. The Coordinating Committee ("CC") is made up of representatives from non-profits, unions, consumer advocates, energy efficiency companies, local governments and Program Administrators (“PAs”), including investor-owned utilities, community choice aggregators, and regional energy networks. Click here for a list of members. CAEECC is also professionally facilitated.
How was the CAEECC formed?
The Coordinating Committee began as an informal stakeholder process in 2013 to develop a Joint Party proposal to the CPUC for how to implement a “rolling portfolio” approach to program planning. This approach was based on best practices from across the country and within California for how to ensure a meaningful and successful stakeholder process. In March 2015, the Joint Parties presented their proposal to the CPUC, including the need for a robust, transparent, and meaningful stakeholder process. In October 2015, D.15-10-028 authorized the stakeholder process, including a facilitator.
What are the goals of the CAEECC?
The goals of the CAEECC are to:
Support the development and expansion of high-quality energy-efficiency programs that reduce greenhouse-gas emissions in line with state climate and energy goals while responding to customer needs and market dynamics
Provide meaningful and useful input to the Program Administrators (PAs) in the development and implementation of their energy-efficiency business plans
Improve collaboration and communication among parties and with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) on energy-efficiency matters
Resolve disagreements among stakeholders whenever possible to reduce the number of matters that need to be litigated before the CPUC
See here for the CAEECC goals
What is everyone's role? Who is in charge?
CAEECC is advisory only (i.e., CAEECC provides recommendations for Program Administrator and Commission consideration) The Commission could order the Program Administrators to take action based on CAEECC advice as they deem appropriate.
The CC’s role is “to advise the PAs” and should be a balanced representation of stakeholders, not dominated by any PA or non-PA stakeholder.
The CPUC continues to be responsible for oversight of PAs and approval of programs, budgets, policies, and other items currently within the purview of CPUC authority.
Parties/Stakeholders continue to participate in the existing formal process and have the opportunity to comment on the record regardless of what is discussed or decided as part of the CC and related stakeholder processes.
The Program Administrators continue to be responsible for the content of what is filed with the CPUC (i.e., applications and advice letters) and for administering portfolios that best meet CPUC guidance, State goals, and customer needs. PAs also bear responsibility for what PAs post to CPUC-maintained websites pursuant to this decision (e.g., Implementation Plans).
There are two relevant CPUC Proceedings for CAEECC:
Market-Rate Energy Efficiency (R.13-11-005)
Energy Savings Assistance Program (A.19-11-003 et al.)
CAEECC’s scope is only to influence R.13-11-005, however takes into consideration A.19-11-003 et al. work to ensure coordination and alignment where needed.
Where does the CAEECC address policy issues?
The majority of policy issues are scoped into Phase 3 of R.13-11-005 through this Scoping Memo. CAEECC will be leveraged when feasible.
Who is on the CAEECC?
Click here for a list of CAEECC members.
Who is on the CAEECC Facilitation Team?
Katie Abrams, of Birch Road Consulting, facilitates Full CAEECC meetings and manages the CAEECC Facilitation Team. Michelle Vigen Ralston and Suhaila Sikand, of Common Spark Consulting and Anthony Kinslow II, of Gemini Energy Solutions, run and facilitate CAEECC's Diversity Equity and Inclusion initiatives. Susan Rivo, of Raab Associates, manages the CAEECC website, communications, and many other logistics. Dr. Jonathan Raab, of Raab Associates, is CAEECC’s senior advisor on facilitation.
What is a Business Plan and how is it different from an Implementation Plan?
Business Plans and Implementation Plans were identified in the CPUC D.15-10-028. Both documents will go through the stakeholder process prior to filing or posting.
Business Plans outline the Program Administrators' high level strategies to address state policies, including climate and energy laws. They were filed with the CPUC in January 2017. The Business Plans need to be formally approved through a CPUC decision, expected to be made toward the end of 2017.
Implementation Plans describe the details of the programs that will be implemented to support the strategies in the Business Plans. They are not formally filed, but are similarly discussed by the CAEECC.
Summary of Business Plan v. Implementation Plan per D. 15-10-028
How will I be sure my voice will be heard?
D.15-10-028 authorized funding for an independent facilitator and requires a clear “decision trail” be included in the process. In particular:
All voices will have an opportunity to speak, either at the public comment period of the Coordinating Committee meeting or through subcommittee meetings.
Notes will be taken (without attribution) to ensure all comments are recorded. Comments regarding Business Plans were tracked by the Facilitator and CC Co-Chairs, and PAs were required to confirm whether they integrated comments in their final Business Plans, and if not, provide rationale for why any public comments were not included.
All of the documents are publicly accessible on this website.
If stakeholders would like to advocate their position further, they are still able to use the formal commenting processes established by the CPUC.
Please note the Conflict of Interest policy applicable to CAEECC proceedings.
How can I get involved?
You may submit comments through the comments page on the website or simply send your comments to facilitator@CAEECC.org