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CAEECC-Hosted Working Group on Energy Efficiency Portfolio Filing Processes


Goals:  To develop updated and improved EE Portfolio filing processes that include a clear understanding of what information is needed to enable sufficient oversight.  


Third Workgroup Meeting:

Date: February 26, 2020

Time: 10 am - 5:00 pm

Location: BayRen,Golden Gate Room, 375 Beale Street, San Francisco, CA 94105 

Register HERE to attend in-person or participate remotely

Documents Posted Before the Meeting: 

Draft Agenda

CAEECC (4-yr) Filing Process Proposal 2-20-20 (2.20.20)

CAEECC Reporting & Stakeholder Process (2.20.20)

6-yr Filing Process Proposal_1.28.20 (2.20.20)

CAEECC (4-Yr) Filing Process Proposal 2020-02026_w/IOUs (2.26.20)

Documents Posted After the Meeting:

CAEECC (4-Yr) Filing Process Proposal 2-26-20 redline (2.26.20)

CAEECC Reporting & Stakeholder Process 2-26-20 redline (2.26.20)

CAEECC EE Filing Process Proposal 3-2-20 redline (3.3.20)

CAEECC EE Filing Process Proposal 3-2-20 clean (3.3.20)

EE Filing Processes WG 2-26-20 Mtg Summary Draft (3.4.20)



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