Statewide Gas Emerging Technologies Program RFA
On February 12, 2020, SoCalGas released its RFA for the Statewide Gas Emerging Technologies Program. The release is available through the PowerAdvocate system as PowerAdvocate Event Number 93632.
The schedule for the GET RFA is as follows:
1. RFA Released -- February 12, 2020
2. Bidders Webinar (Optional) -- February 19, 2020
3. Bidders Abstract Due -- March 25, 2020
All Bidders are required to register in PowerAdvocate to access the RFA documents, submit questions, and submit a GET abstract. Bidders can register in PowerAdvocate using the following URL:
( Apply to the event through the “Opportunities” portal, search for the SoCalGas event, click the key to request access to the event.
Are you registering for a specific Event: click the ‘Yes’ button
Who referred you to this Event: PEPMA Announcement
Name of that individual’s company: Southern California Gas Company
Name or description of the Event: 93632 SoCalGas – Statewide Gas Emerging Technologies (GET) Program
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