Input Opportunity: Pre-Stage 2 Presentations
Thank you for your interest in providing input ahead of the PAs’ Stage 2 Business Plan development presentations. Business Plans provide the high level strategic approach to the market sectors. Your input should stay at this level until the plans are filed September 1, 2016. After that time, the Coordinating Committee and subcommittees will be used to discuss the detailed implementation plans, which describe the specifics of how the strategies will be implemented in practice.
Providing properly structured input will facilitate consideration and integration of your feedback into the development of PA presentations. Before you comment, it may be helpful for you to review the outline being used by PAs to develop their Stage 2 presentations, as well as the Stage 1 presentations located in the respective subcommittee folders on this website.
The following questions are designed to elicit input from you that follows approximately the PAs' Stage 2 presentation outline. All responses to items 2, 3, and 4 below must be clearly associated with a problem statement in response to item 1 below. Submittal instructions are provided below.
For the market sectors of interest to you, please state one or more high level “problem statements” that specifically identify gaps or challenges facing the current PA energy efficiency program portfolio. For example, “Public K-12 Schools are not doing nearly enough energy efficiency retrofit work despite having huge savings potential and access to the PA K-12 Schools program.”
Please share specific observations related to the problem statement you describe above. For example, “Public K-12 schools lack resources including staff with energy efficiency expertise to implement retrofits. Schools have a limited window for projects (summer) and therefore often miss opportunities based on timing. Schools…”
Cite the analyses and data sources that support your observations and problem statements. If you are citing unpublished information sources, feel free to attach such documents in your transmittal email for sharing with the larger group.
Describe high level intervention strategies and respective performance metrics that you believe the PAs should be considering to address the problem statements you noted above. Reminder: these should not be specific program ideas or specific implementation strategies. That level of detail will be the subject of discussion after the Business Plans are filed in September, 2016.
If there are key potential partners (e.g., Realtors) needed to support your proposed intervention strategy please describe those partners and what their roles might be in those interventions.
If you believe that certain current intervention strategies in the PAs portfolios should be shut down or materially changed, please explain your thoughts and provide evidence in terms of data or reports supporting your contention.
Submittal Directions:
For your convenience an MS Word template is provided into which you may insert your input. (This document may go directly to your "Downloads" folder.)
For Commerical and Residential sectors, please email your input, together with any additional supporting documents you wish to share in support of your input, by March 31, 2016, to with a cc to Input for Public, Agricultural, Industrial, Codes & Standards, Emerging Technologies, and Workforce Education & Training sectors is due by April 12, 2016. The facilitation team will make sure that your input is distributed to all the PAs. If you have large files to share that cannot be emailed, please contact the Facilitator to work out a solution, such as Drop Box.
If you prefer to remain anonymous while providing this input, instead send your response document(s) by email to, specifically requesting non-attribution for these comments. The facilitation team should not, however, be sent any proprietary or confidential information.