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Evolving CAEECC Working Group Policies

Unless otherwise stated, CAEECC Working Group Members are expected to adhere to the following policies.

(Download PDF) 4-17-2023 Evolving CAEECC Working Group Policies

CAEECC Working Group Groundrules Adapted for Evolving CAEECC Working Group

Note: This is an adapted set of groundrules, based on the broader set of CAEECC Working Group Groundrules, that reflects the goals/needs of this particular WG process. 


At Meetings

  1. Commit to attending all Working Group meetings (either the organization’s lead representative or a designated alternate).

  2. Come prepared to discuss agenda items (i.e., by reviewing all documents disseminated prior to the meeting).

  3. Be concise so that everyone who wants to provide input has an opportunity to do so.

  4. Minimize electronic distractions during meetings.

Between Meetings:

  1. Notify the Facilitator Team prior to the meeting (by telephone or e-mail) if you cannot attend a meeting and provide a designated alternate from your organization if possible.

  2. Be responsible for actively tracking Facilitator Team and Co-Chair communications, as well as relevant proceedings and policies.

  3. Provide input, feedback, and written material when requested by the Facilitation Team or Co-Chairs in a timely manner.

  4. Any presenter (Member or their designated alternate) should have their presentation ready for posting at least five (5) business days prior to the meeting; and presenters should work with the Facilitator Team prior to the posting deadline to help ensure that materials are clear, concise, and on topic

  5. Discuss pertinent matters with the Facilitator Team and Co-Chairs when and if the need arises.

Substantive Issues (Discussing Issues, Developing Options, and Exploring Agreement)

  1. The goal of the process is to fully explore substantive issues by defining options, eliciting constructive feedback, clarifying and narrowing points of divergence, seeking consensus where feasible, and documenting points of convergence and any remaining divergence.

  2. During the substantive discussions, if a Member cannot agree to support a substantive option under consideration, that member should explain why and propose a specific alternative that they can support.

  3. Documentation of consensus and multiple options on any particular issue in the Working Group’s Final Report would include a clear description of each option and supporting rationale, and include the Members supporting each option. The Working Group Members will review and approve the wording in the Final Report, and those supporting each option on a non-consensus issue will be responsible for drafting the final description and rationale for the option.

  4. The Working Group in consultation with the CPUC will determine the most appropriate way to file the Final Report at the CPUC.

Process Issues

  1. For process related issues (including setting meeting dates, finalizing agenda designs, etc.), the Facilitator Team in consultation with the Co-Chairs and Energy Division, will have the responsibility to make these decisions.

  2. All the other pre-existing CAEECC Facilitator roles and responsibilities will apply. 

Virtual Etiquette

  1. Log on a few minutes early, if possible, to ensure your technical connection is working.

  2. Share your video – this fosters engagement and helps mimic an in-person meeting setting.

  3. Raise your hand (Zoom feature) to enter the queue to speak—then wait for the Facilitator to call on you.

  4. Mute yourself when you’re not speaking.


Meeting Norms

WG Members will have an opportunity to revise the Meeting Norms as appropriate during WG meetings.

  1. Make space, take space (share the mic).

  2. Stories shared here stay here; what is learned here leaves here.

  3. Share your unique perspective: share your unpopular opinion.

  4. Generative thinking: "yes, and" instead of "yes, but".

  5. Listen from the "We", speak from the "I".

  6. Offer what you can; ask for what you need.

  7. Be inquisitive.

  8. Assume best intent and hold each other accountable.

  9. Be empowered to share impact.

Disclosure & Conflict of Interest Policies

All Evolving CAEECC Working Group (WG) members shall disclose to the CAEECC Facilitator their financial linkages to other members of the Working Group. Financial linkages to be disclosed, if any:

A. For non-Program Administrator (PAs): any existing contracts or                                 subcontracts with a PA.

B. For participating PAs: any contracts or subcontracts with non-PA                             Working Group participants.

Any person or entity paid to participate in the Working Group on behalf of another entity may only represent the entity providing compensation for their participation.

The above requirements do not apply to compensation received through the CAEECC Compensation pilot or non-discretionary contracts, such as pass-through mandates.

Note that the disclosed financial linkages will be posted to the CAEECC website. They are intended to inform and indicate any specific issues that may constitute a conflict of interest so any conflicts can be managed throughout the duration of their participation. Disclosures will not necessarily preclude a particular member from joining the WG.


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