What's New
Week of March 5, 2018
March 12 - COB is the Deadline to submit EEPRG questionnaire by email by
San Diego Gas & Electric Company, on behalf of Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Southern California Edison Company and Southern California Gas Company, is issuing this notice to all interested qualified consumer representatives and non-market participants who do not have a financial interest in the outcome of the Energy Efficiency Program Solicitations, to serve on their respective Energy Efficiency Procurement Review Group (EEPRG). The documents below provide detailed information on the EEPRG requirements and responsibilities: PRG Charter, Conflict of Interest (COI), Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA).
Parties that would like to be considered for EEPRG participation are invited to submit the enclosed Questionnaire to the IOU(s) of their interest, to the below respective IOU EEPRG representative(s), by no later than March 12, 2018:
• Pacific Gas and Electric Company: Chris Kato (chris.kato@pge.com)
• San Diego Gas and Electric Company: Athena Besa (ABesa@semprautilities.com)
• Southern California Gas Company: Elizabeth Baires (EBaires@semprautilities.com)
• Southern California Edison Company: Robert Brunn (Robert.F.Brunn@sce.com)
​Energy Efficiency Procurement Review (EEPRG) Group Charter (February 20, 2018)
​EEPRG Conflict of Interest Statement (February 20, 2018)
EEPRG Form Non-Disclosure Agreement (February 20, 2018)
EEPRG Questionnaire (February 20, 2018)
Deadline to register for 3/6 SDG&E® and SoCalGas® Energy Efficiency Solicitation Workshop is today at 5pm. This is not a CAEECC event.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018 10:00am-2:00pm at SoCalGas® Energy Resource Center in Downey, CA
SDG&E® and SoCalGas® are hosting an Energy Efficiency Solicitation Workshop, (the third in a series), on March 6 from 10am-2pm at SoCalGas® Energy Resource Center in Downey, CA to support the development of effective proposals for the design and delivery by non-utility third party implementers of energy efficiency solutions. Click here for more information. Register by March 5, 5pm. ​This is not a CAEECC event.
​Bidders to receive SCE Q&A Responses to questions on RFP event number 153-02132018 on Tuesday, March 6, 2018 before 5:00 p.m. PT. This is not a CAEECC event.
Following the IOU filing on March 19th, CAEECC will convene a Working Group on the Results of the IOU Motion on Standard and Negotiable Contract terms on Friday, March 23rd from 9:30a - 11:00a. For those able to attend in person, NRDC will host at its San Francisco offices at 111 Sutter Street @ Montgomery; 21st floor - Sequoia Conference Room. Remote participation is available. For more information, click here.
Comments on IOUs draft Contract Terms (both Standard and Negotiable/Modifiable) have been posted on the website.
SDG&E® and SoCalGas® Energy Efficiency Solicitation Workshop
Tuesday, March 6, 2018 10:00am-2:00pm
SoCalGas® Energy Resource Center in Downey, CA
SDG&E® and SoCalGas® arehosting an Energy Efficiency Solicitation Workshop, (the third in a series), on March 6 from 10am-2pm at SoCalGas® Energy Resource Center in Downey, CA to support the development of effective proposals for the design and delivery by non-utility third party implementers of energy efficiency solutions. Click here for more information. Register by March 5.​
Bidders to receive SCE Q&A Responses to questions on RFP event number 153-02132018 on Tuesday, March 6, 2018 before 5:00 p.m. PT. This is not a CAEECC event.
Draft Meeting Summary for Ad Hoc Working Group Meeting on Contracts posted on the website.
Draft Meeting Summary for Full CAEECC Meeting; CAEECC Workplan for 2018 (as revised at meeting); and Goals, Roles & Responsibilities, and Groundrules (both in redline and final clean copy as revised at meeting) are posted on the website.
Week of February 19, 2018
We have posted 4 documents associated with the Energy Efficiency Procurement Review Group (EEPRG) application process for all 4 IOUs (applications due March 12th) ​below:
​Energy Efficiency Procurement Review (EEPRG) Group Charter (February 20, 2018)
​EEPRG Conflict of Interest Statement (February 20, 2018)
EEPRG Form Non-Disclosure Agreement (February 20, 2018)
EEPRG Questionnaire (February 20, 2018)
There will be a Bidders Conference (via Skype/Webinar) on Wed., February 21, 2018 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m PT for RFP event number 153-02132018 for a Program Administrator (PA) to manage the Solar on Multifamily Affordable Homes (SOMAH) Program for all Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs). This event will soon be active in the Proposal Evaluation & Proposal Management Application (PEPMA). The deadline to submit a proposal will be March 15 at 5pm PT.​
SDG&E® and SoCalGas® are hosting an Energy Efficiency Solicitation Workshop, (the third in a series), on March 6 from 10am-2pm at SoCalGas® Energy Resource Center in Downey, CA to support the development of effective proposals for the design and delivery by non-utility third party implementers of energy efficiency solutions. Click here for more information. Register by March 5.