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Ad Hoc Workshop: DEER Peak Period #1

Tuesday, April 3, 2018, from 9:45 AM-4 PM

Pacific Energy Center

851 Howard Street (Between 4th and 5th Streets)

San Francisco, CA 94103


Presentations: Introduction


Presentations: DEER Peak History and Shifting Period

Presentations: Annual DEER + IOU work paper production

Presentations: Next Steps

Open to all interested CAEECC Members; parties in R.14-08-013, R.14-10-003, R.15-12-012, R.16-02-007, R.13-11-005; and other interested individuals


BACKGROUND: CPUC Resolution 4867 requires in its Ordering Paragraph 3 that utilities initiate a working group process to propose an adjustment to the peak period currently used in the Database for Energy Efficiency Resources (DEER). As such, the IOUs are working with CAEECC to facilitate one or more CAEECC Ad Hoc Workshops.


AGENDA: Education and discussion, including a comparison of DEER’s current peak period and that being used in other proceedings; implementation considerations and ramifications for updating DEER’s peak period; and exploration of stakeholder perspectives and gathering of stakeholder input. Please note that portions of this workshop will include small group discussions among participants. As such, in-person attendance is strongly encouraged. 

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