Ad Hoc CPUC Workshop on Indicators, Metrics and Targets
Thursday, September 15, 2022, from 9:30 am – 2:30 pm Pacific
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87206251598
Webinar ID: 872 0625 1598
The CPUC Energy Division is convening a workshop on Indicators, Metrics and Targets.
The Metrics workshop will be hosted by CAEECC and will be held Thursday September 15th,
2022 from 9:30-2:30.
This workshop will build on the work of the CAEECC Equity Metrics Working Group and the
Market Support Metrics Working Group (both of which met in 2021) and will be open to the
Public. It will focus on three topics:
categorizing metrics,
developing a plan for adding specificity to metrics, and
discussing REN Performance metrics and targets
Documents Posted Before the Workshop
Detailed Agenda and Integrated Slide Deck:
1. CPUC Metrics Workshop Agenda (posted 9.7.22, updated 9.14.22)
2. Integrated Slides – CPUC Metrics Workshop (posted 9.8.22, updated 9.14.22)
Topics 1 and 2 Supporting Materials:
3. CPUC’s Draft Categorization Analysis of Metrics & Indicators - Spreadsheet (9.7.22)
4. Redlined CPUC Draft Categorization Analysis of Metrics & Indicators from EMWG &
MSMWG Huddles - Spreadsheet (9.7.22)
5. CalPA Proposal on Equity Metrics Targets - Presentation (9.7.22, updated 9.14.22)
6. CalPA Proposal on Equity Metrics Targets - Spreadsheet (9.7.22)
7. DACAG EE Business Plan Application Equity Comment 8.19.22 (9.9.22)
8. IOU PA Proposal on Equity Metrics Targets (9.14.22)
9. ED Resource of Combined REN Unique Value Metrics (9.13.22)
10. BayREN Presentation on REN Metrics and Reporting Requirements (9.14.22)
Additional supporting materials:
11. CPUC Remarks for Metrics Workshop - Presentation (9.14.22)
12. Equity Metrics Working Group (EMWG) Final Report (9.7.22)
13. Market Support Metric Working Group (MSMWG) Final Report (9.7.22)
14. Equity Metrics Working Group Huddle Meeting Summary (9.9.22)
15. Market Support Metrics Working Group Huddle Meeting Summary (9.8.22)
Documents Posted After the Workshop
Metrics Workshop 091522 -- Meeting Summary (9.23.22)
Metrics Workshop Slides 091522 - Slides - Live Edited (9.23.22)
ED Draft Categorization Analysis - Workshop Live Edits (9.23.22)
ANONYMOUS_CPUC Metrics Workshop Survey - Sept 15 2022 (9.23.22)
Late August/Early September Working Group "Huddles"
In preparation for the Metrics Workshop, CAEECC will reconvene the Equity Metrics and Market Support Metrics Working Groups for brief “huddles” in late August/early September. CPUC’s Energy Division prepared a categorization analysis of metrics and indicators, available under “Key Documents” above.
Each huddle will be a two-hour meeting aimed at discussing Energy Division’s proposed categorization, gathering initial input on metrics that need specificity or methodologies, and possibly discussing topics of REN performance metrics and targets. Outcomes from the huddles will inform any presentations and the agenda at the September 15, 2022 Metrics Workshop.
8.30.22 Equity Metrics Working Group Huddle
9.1.22 Market Support Metrics Working Group Huddle