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Equity & Market Support Working Group (2023 and 2024)
The Equity and Market Support Working Group (EMSWG) is charged with addressing certain outstanding topics with the Equity and Market Support segments of the energy efficiency portfolio, as delineated in CPUC Decision 23-06-055. The first phase of the working group is expected to run from October 2023 to March 31, 2024. Additional details about a future working group phase or phases will be posted to this website as they are clarified. Please refer to the Prospectus for additional information.
Phase I will clarify the details of Equity and Market Support indicators, as well as identifying information that could be used as baselines for energy efficiency program metrics, methods for establishing baselines, and valuation methods. The group, at its own discretion, may also address recommendations to remove, update, or modify Common Metrics (adopted in D.18-05-041) and/or clarification and specificity of Awareness, Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors (AKAB) Indicators.
Questions about the EMSWG can be referred to Sooji Yang (sooji@common-spark.com).
Meeting Dates: Meeting dates and topics will be finalized in coordination with EMSWG Members and the Program Administrators (who are coordinating their related work in parallel). Working Group Members are expected to come to all Meetings. Huddles are optional activities where content or process may be brainstormed, clarified and discussed, but no decisions will be made.
Huddle #1: Wed, Nov 1, 2023: 9am-12pm (Go to Meeting Page)
Meeting #1: Tues, Nov 7, 2023: 9am -12pm (Go to Meeting Page)
Meeting #2: Tues, Dec 5, 2023: 9am - 12pm (Go to Meeting Page)
Meeting #3: Wed, Dec 6, 2023: 1 - 4pm (Go to Meeting Page)
Meeting #4: Wed, Jan 17, 2024: 9am - 12pm (Go to Meeting Page)
Meeting #5: Wed, Jan 24, 2024: 9am - 12pm (Go to Meeting Page)
Meeting #6: Wed, Jan 31, 2024: 9am - 12pm (Go to Meeting Page)
Meeting #7: Wed, Feb 21,2024: 9am - 12pm (Go to Meeting Page)
Meeting #8: Wed, Feb 28, 2024: 9am - 12pm (Go to Meeting Page)
Key Documents
Clean_CAEECC EMSWG Final Report (posted 03-22-24) (Download PDF)
Redline_CAEECC EMSWG Final Report (posted 03-22-24) (Download Word Document)
EMSWG Public Roster (posted 11-28-2023, rev 12-5-2023) (Download PDF)
EMSWG Disclosures (posted 11-28-2023) (Download PDF)
Prospectus for CAEECC Equity & Market Support Working Group v 12_19 clean (posted 12-19-2023) (Download Prospectus)
Table of Adopted Indicators (posted 10-27-2023) (Download Excel Table)
10-20-2021 Equity Metrics Working Group Final Report (posted 10-26-2023) (Download Word Doc Report)
10-6-2021 Market Support Metrics Working Group Final Report (posted 10-26-2023) (Download Word Doc Report)
Anonymous CAEECC-EMSWG Process-Survey (posted 8-9-2024) (Download Excel Table)