SCE Responses to ORA Data Request No. ORA-A1701013-SCE001
Responses to Request Nos. 1-6 regarding Business Plan Metrics
SCE Response to ORA Data Request No. 4 (March 27, 2017)
Attachment 1: Appendix P Agriculture Segment Optimization Plan 2011-2012
Attachment 2: Appendix O Food Processing Segment Optimization Plan
Attachment 4: Appendix M Esource Restaurants Sector Snapshot
Attachment 6: Appendix R Manufacturing Segment Optimization Plan 2011-2012
Attachment 7: Appendix E Energy and Demand Savings Potential By Sector
Responses to Request Nos. 7-10 regarding Utility Implementation Activities
Responses to Request Nos. 11-16 regarding Utility Procurement Plans
SCE Response to ORA Data Request No. 15 (March 27, 2017)
Attachment 1: Annual Budget and Savings Projections (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder)
Attachment 3: Appendix I Public Sector EE Potential Methodology
Attachment 5: Appendix G Strategies & Sample Tactics (Commercial, Industrial and Agricultural)
Attachment 7: Appendix E Energy and Demand Savings Potential By Sector
Attachment 8: 2020 Planning CET Output (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder)
Attachment 9: 2020 Planning CET Output With Codes (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder)
Attachment 10: 2019 Planning CET Output (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder)
Attachment 11: 2019 Planning CET Output With Codes (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder)
Attachment 12: 2018 Planning CET Output (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder)
Attachment 13: 2018 Planning CET Output With Codes (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder)
Attachment 14: Appendix R Manufacturing Segment Optimization Plan 2011-2012
Attachment 15: Appendix P Agriculture Segment Optimization Plan 2011-2012
Attachment 16: Appendix O Food Processing Segment Optimization Plan
Attachment 18: Appendix M Esource Restaurants Sector Snapshot
Attachment 20: SCE's Amended Energy Efficiency Rolling Portfolio Business Plan for 2018-2025
Responses to Request Nos. 17-21 regarding Third-Party Transition
Responses to Request Nos. 22-25 regarding Portfolio Budget
SCE Response to ORA Data Request No. 22 (March 27, 2017)
Attachment 1: 2019 Planning CET Output With Codes (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder)
Attachment 2: 2019 Planning CET Output (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder)
Attachment 3: 2020 Planning CET Output With Codes (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder)
Attachment 4: 2020 Planning CET Output (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder)
Attachment 5: 2018 Planning CET Output With Codes (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder)
Attachment 6: 2018 Planning CET Output (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder)
Attachment 7: Annual Budget and Savings Projections (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder)
Responses to Request Nos. 26-30 regarding Administrative Costs
SCE Response to ORA Data Request No. 27 (March 27, 2017)
Attachment 1: 2019 Planning (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder)
Attachment 2: 2019 (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder)
Attachment 3: 2020 (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder)
Attachment 4: 2020 (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder)
Attachment 5: 2018 (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder)
Attachment 6: 2018 (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder)
Attachment 7: Annual Budget and Savings (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder)
Response to Request No. 31 regarding Statewide Lead Selection
Responses to Request Nos. 32-35 regarding Statewide Cost & Funding Allocations
Responses to Request Nos. 36-39 regarding Statewide Approach
Responses to Request Nos. 40-41 regarding Statewide Regulatory Filings and Compliance
Responses to Request Nos. 42-47 regarding Statewide Program Council